هذا اليوم كنا في زيارة عمل وتعاون مع المعهد القضاء في اقليم كردستان العراق / اربيل
حيث تم انجاز System الكتروني خاص بمكتبة المعهد القضاءبجهود ذاتية ومجانية قدمتها منظمة الصداقة الدولية السويدية فرع اقليم كوردستان
ئه مرؤ سه ردانى په يمنگاى دادوه رى كوردستان مان كرد له هه ولير به مه به ستى به (System) كردنى كتيب خانه ى په يمانگاى دادوه رى له سه ر ئه ركى ريكخراومان ريكخراوى هاوريه تى نيوه ده وله تى لقى كوردستان

The organization aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Making friendship between peoples, States, cultures and individuals an important factor for peace efforts and respect for cultural diversity, particularly with regard to the activities of involving young people and future leaders in community activities that advocate tolerance and respect among different cultures.
  2. Strengthening the spirit of human solidarity in the face of local, regional and global crises and challenges, and addressing their root causes through cross-border friendships between individuals around the world, in order to achieve the security and development interests of all peoples.

Meeting 5 nov 11:00 in Justice tower

Meeting 5 nov 11:00 in Justice tower

Meeting 5 nov 11:00 in Justice tower