The leader of the German organization for the development of peace in Germany, we signed a protocol for the purpose of working in Kurdistan, Germany.
Today, we received Dr. Ezaldin Afendi, Director of the German Organization for Development and Peace in Germany, for the purpose of cooperation and coordination between the Swedish Friendship Organization, a branch of Kurdistan Region, Iraq and the German Development Organization, and a signature was made between the two organizations.

Today on Helen radio talking about the work and activities of our organization.
In the year of 2019
Today on Radio Helen our conversations about organized activities in the year 2019
To access the conversion on video click here

الیوم قمنا بزیازه الدكتور حمید سنجاري مستشار رئیس مجلس الوزراء حكومة اقليم كوردستان السید مسرور البارزاني في مكتبه الخاص وتم تقدیم شكر وتقدیر منظمتنا له تقدیرا لدعمه لمنظمتنا ونشكره علی حفاوة استقباله لنا
ئه مرؤ سه ردانى به ريز (دكتور حميد سنجارى ) راويژكارى سه رؤكى ئه نجومه نى ون زيران به ريز مسرور بارزانى مان كرد له نوسينگه ى تايبه تى خوى سوباس بيزانين مان پيبه خشى به بونه بشتگري كردنى ريكخراومان ليره وه زؤر سوباس ده كه ين بؤ ئه وبيشوازيه گه رمه ى ليكردين

Now you can join the Swedish International Friendship Organization, the branch of Kurdistan Region, Iraq, the humanitarian branch that works under the slogan (Humanity knows no borders)
terms of acquisition
١ - Believing in the goals and message of the humanitarian organization after reading the internal system